
Thursday, 15 February 2018

Things to remember when moving your device

hi guys welcome back to my blog post.
 i am telling you what a DLO is  a digital learning object

my class is learning about cybersmart.
we had to make a dlo to what we know how to look after our chrome books
i hope you learnt something for my dlo

Monday, 12 February 2018

the first day and week back to school

The first day back to school my class did  an activity about looking after our chrome books. Some of the words said what do you not have by your chrome books and the answer is food and drink. Then the next day my class stared art. For art we are doing lines  the lines make shapes, then we are doing a artist  color wheel we need to pant the color wheel. The colors we need to pant the color wheel are red blue yellow and orange green. Then the next day there was a show and it was a Elgregoe show but I was not there. I was sick so I do not know what it was about. I know there was magic. Then the next week the kids in my class the ones that did not finish the color wheel they need to finish the wheel. 

I hope you loved my work and please comment.