
Monday, 10 December 2018

SLJ if i win

Hi Readers i am doing Summer learning Journey the Summer learning Journey is about where you do blog posts for the summer and who ever does the most blog posts wins any prize they want this is the     prizes i want.  I hope you liked the prizes I want. Please comment down blow.

United Kingdom Landmarks

HI Readers

Welcome back to a new blog post it's about United Kingdom landmarks here is a slide show.


Thank you for having a look please comment down blow.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

SLJ practice England

Hey Readers.

Welcome back to my Summer Learning Journey where I am sharing with you more about my imaginary trip to England

Halo Readers.

Today we had to review a TV show from the county that we are researching.

The show I saw is called Britain's Got Talent.

I thought that is was very cool.

I really liked how it was very funny.

The part about the with star was people here doing back flips was cool.

I would rate this show at 5 stars.

Here is the link to the show Sponge Bob Square Pants  .

In New Zealand a cool TV series is Sponge Bob Square Pants.

Thank you for coming on my new blog post thank you bye.

Image result for SpongeBob SquarePants

Monday, 26 November 2018

Armistice day

W.A.L.T: read information and then re-write the important parts in our own words.
Today we have been learning about Armistice day.

This is the paragraph I read about Armistice day.

"At 11 am on 11 November this year, Aotearoa New Zealand marked the
centenary of the armistice that ended the First World War in 1918. On that day
100 years ago, after four years of brutal conflict, war finally gave way to peace." -

This is how I re-wrote the paragraph In my on

The first world war ended on the 11 of November 1918
at 11 am. 100 years ago after four years the bad
fighting was over and the country’s were peacefully.

Thursday, 15 November 2018


                                                    I NEED FEEDBACK!

Welcome to my new blog post. For writing we had to do a claim. My claim is telling you how important your muscles are. So here is my claim.

Your muscular system helps you move your bones.

Because I think that your muscular system is the most synonyms system in
your body.

Without your muscular system you would be hard as a rock because of your

I think that your muscular system is the most synonyms system in your body. because your heart is a muscle and your heart pumps your blood and oxygen all around your body.

Thank you I hope you like my blog post and please comment something positive thoughtful and helpful thank you bye.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

SLJ Practices: Learning how to speak a new Languages

Hey Readers,

I am learning how to say hello in the languages of the country I am visiting. We are practicing this for the summer learning Journey. I am  pretending to visit England.  The way you say hello in England is hello  because everyone in England speaks English. People in England have a accent. How you say thank you England is thank you. The way you say do you speak English in England is do you speak English.  

would you like to go to a country that speaks the same language as you?

 This picture is here because this is what I will look like if I ever go to England.   I am feeling very happy and very excused.

I hope you liked this blog post please comment something helpful  positive and thoughtful Thank you bye.

Friday, 26 October 2018

SLJ Practices: The curious kiwi is looking for a book to read.

Hey readers 
For the summer learning journey I will be finding a book for the curious kiwi because he is going on a airplane flight.  He forgot his book on his airplane flight. so I will pick a book that I have read this year so he can read the book that I have pick so he does not get bored on the plane. also the county I am going to is England because England is my favorite county. The book I am going to read is spirit animals and I will read all of the books.

I hope you loved my blog post and I hope you will read this book to.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

SLG PRATICE : learning about England

Hello everyone who's reading my new blog post,

This term my class is learning about the Summer Learning Journey.
WE need to pick a country to learn about, the country I picked is England I picked England because I wish to go there one day. I am going to tell you about England. 

  • 1 The name of the capital city is London.
  •  2 The population of the capital city is 8.136 million
  •  3 In January the weather in the capital city is usually 6°C.
  •  4 The capital city is located in the south east of England northern southern middle of the country.
  •  5 The languages most  commonly spoken in the capital city are English.  

 I hope you liked learning about England

Thursday, 27 September 2018

The most critical body system

halo hi I am going to show you my clam. my clam  is about what is the most critical body system.

The Strongest Body System

Your muscular system helps you move your bones.
Because I think that your muscular system is the most synonyms system
your body.

I think that your muscular system is the most critical system in your body.

Firstly, The muscular system is the most critical system because without it
you would not be able to do anything.

Imagine what you would look like without any muscles. Think about  it right
now and imagine what you would look like without any muscles and
this if you had no muscles, you wouldn't even be able to do your favorite
things that you like to do wouldn't that be hard for you I would think that
be hard for me so think about all the things you can do now. Be thankful
you have muscles and think about what you couldn't do without your

The muscular system is the most critical system because without it you would
not be able to pump your  heart and all your blood and oxygen around your
body. Without your muscular system you will not be able to move because
your muscles  pull your bones so you can move.

Imagine if you didn't have any muscles you wouldn't even be able to eat or
move your mouth ever you would not be able to talk imagine that.

This evidence shows the muscular system is the most critical system because
we need to be able to move,  we need to breath we need to have a heart and
we need to have blood. We should make sure that we look after our muscular system by keeping your muscles healthy and strong.

Teaching is the Sweetest Thing

Thank you for reading my  clam I hope you comment and follow me thank you.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Paikea and the whale

W.A.L.T visualise to help me keep track and retell what I have read.

Hi guys my reading group have bean reading Paikea and the whale and I will tell you a little part of  the story. So the story is about a boy called Paikea the got suck and this boy called a whale to go take Paikea to land so thats what, the story is about. Here is my pitcher.

  • thank you I hope you comment.